Choice #1
Why is “Para
Teresa” written in English and Spanish?
I think the switched from English to Spanish to further
reflect and contrast her pride for her heritage and her conformity.
Choice #2
I think the speaker realized that although their own
opinions may have differed, they were both valid. They both fought to overcome
a society that urged them to be stripped of their culture and heritage. They
both rebelled against society that worked to make them feel inferior and now
the speaker can finally see this. Put in a position of inferiority the speaker
chose to use her academics to contest the prejudice while Teresa refused to
submit to anything along the lines of conventional.
Choice #4
(Summarize Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths)
Critical thinking is not just memorizing information, it is
thinking about a bigger picture of something. With critical thinking there is
no longer just accepting information, you must ask deeper questions, such as
motives, causes and explanations. Critical thinking is crucial for challenging
cultural myths. The society we grow up in shapes our mindsets and common
beliefs. For the most part, we all believe in the same thing, share the same
ideas and social customs. When something strays from this we may not be as
receptive as we believe ourselves to be because when something is “wrong” in
our society, we are only surrounded by other members of the society to
validate us. Many of our customs and social norms are simply memorized and
accepted to be just the way things are that is why some of our cultural myths
are “obstacles to critical thinking”. When you start to question many of the
unseen norms of our culture you can begin to free yourself from many cultural
restraints that may have impaired your outlook towards the world.
Choice #5(Reading questions for Para Teresa)
Teresa confronted the speaker in the bathroom at
school one day. Teresa suggested that the speaker was trying to “show her up”
by making her look like a bad student-“I was playing right into their hands,
you challenged” (20). The Speaker did not understand that her and Teresa stood
for the same purpose, however, they failed to recognize this simply because
they went about doing so in different ways. As the speaker strived for success
in school Teresa boasted her rebellion with arrogance.
Teresa demonstrated a more “classic” form of
rebellion with arrogance and refusal to submit. While the speaker chose a more
discrete route-conformity. The speaker flew under the radar as she strived for
academic success. “I did nothing for the teachers” (31) said the speaker. By conforming and making her schoolwork
such a high priority the speaker wanted to prove that “we were not only equal
but superior to them” (55). By “deadly defiance” I think the speaker is
suggesting that you can lose yourself and your individuality if you entirely
devote yourself to whatever vendetta you may have, such as her and Teresa’s, to
a certain point it ceases to be rebellion and becomes submission. As far as an
argument goes, it is obviously crucial to be well read and educated to have any
point heard, especially if you want to be heard by more people. I think the
speakers choice of defiance is probably the most effective, however, Teresa
still made her point clear by her obvious acts of defiance and it is something
I find it to be a very respectable thing to take action for something you
really care about.
You have some great critical reflection on this difficult poem. I also like how you summarize the ideas on Cultural Myths (#4). However, this is a great example of what you also did on your research paper (op-ed), which is to paraphrase information without attributing the source. Even when you are paraphrasing and/or summarizing you need to incorporate a signal phrase to tell your reader that you are explaining ideas that were originally presented by someone else. As we worked on in class, you often need to attribute several times throughout the summary, such as using "according to" or "the authors explain." Without attribution you are plagiarizing. With attribution you are doing the job of a college student, which is to acknowledge that you are not the first to think about these ideas. It is great to use information from other sources and to be able to summarize main points, as you did here, but even when you aren't using quotations, you must attribute the source. This is a great lesson to learn in English 1a. If you have any questions on this, please see me:) Thanks Gina!